John Bach, Hermann Meese and Rudolf Luedke, in August of 1874, formed a partnership called the United Anaheim Wine Growers. Bach and Meese were located in San Francisco and Luedke, residing in Anaheim, could possibly have been the partner that supplied the wine products for the emerging liquor firm.
By February of 1877 the United Anaheim Wine Growers filed a notice of dissolution in the Daily Alta California and partners John Bach and Hermann Meese assumed all assets and liabilities.
A year later the wholesale liquor firm of Bach Meese and Company is advertising that they are the Sole Agents for C.Conrad’s original Budweiser Beer. (Now you know where those original Budweiser’s you have been digging came from).
In all the searching I have done on Bach Meese I can’t seem to find any advertisements for the Botanic Stomach Bitters or any mention of the Bach Meese Company from about 1878 until 1898 when Hermann Meese retires from the firm and Frank Eckenroth becomes the junior partner to John Bach.
In January of 1902 Frank Eckenroth commits suicide by asphyxiating himself with illuminating gas at his home on Mason Street in San Francisco. It appears that Eckenroth was accused of “cooking the company books” to pay gambling and horseracing debts. A few weeks later Bach Meese and Company file a petition of insolvency in the United States District Court.
It is believed the Botanic Stomach Bitters was manufactured from 1885 up until sometime in 1889 but I have absolutely zero proof of that belief. The Botanic comes in two variants; BOTANIC STOMACH BITTERS with BACH MEESE & Co. embossed on the reverse of the bottle and a supposed later example with BOTANIC STOMACH BITTERS embossed on two sides of the bottle. The Botanic's have a tool top and usually do not dispaly any crudeness. The variant with Bach Meese embossed on the reverse of the bottle is considered scarce but I can count on one hand the examples I have seen.
Although the Botanic bottle is a later made western bitters it is still a desirable and fairy tough bottle to add to your western square collection. Seen one lately?
By February of 1877 the United Anaheim Wine Growers filed a notice of dissolution in the Daily Alta California and partners John Bach and Hermann Meese assumed all assets and liabilities.
A year later the wholesale liquor firm of Bach Meese and Company is advertising that they are the Sole Agents for C.Conrad’s original Budweiser Beer. (Now you know where those original Budweiser’s you have been digging came from).

In all the searching I have done on Bach Meese I can’t seem to find any advertisements for the Botanic Stomach Bitters or any mention of the Bach Meese Company from about 1878 until 1898 when Hermann Meese retires from the firm and Frank Eckenroth becomes the junior partner to John Bach.
In January of 1902 Frank Eckenroth commits suicide by asphyxiating himself with illuminating gas at his home on Mason Street in San Francisco. It appears that Eckenroth was accused of “cooking the company books” to pay gambling and horseracing debts. A few weeks later Bach Meese and Company file a petition of insolvency in the United States District Court.
It is believed the Botanic Stomach Bitters was manufactured from 1885 up until sometime in 1889 but I have absolutely zero proof of that belief. The Botanic comes in two variants; BOTANIC STOMACH BITTERS with BACH MEESE & Co. embossed on the reverse of the bottle and a supposed later example with BOTANIC STOMACH BITTERS embossed on two sides of the bottle. The Botanic's have a tool top and usually do not dispaly any crudeness. The variant with Bach Meese embossed on the reverse of the bottle is considered scarce but I can count on one hand the examples I have seen.
Although the Botanic bottle is a later made western bitters it is still a desirable and fairy tough bottle to add to your western square collection. Seen one lately?

Botanic , there is three varients .I have the an example of the third unlisted one .Has an applied top . I'll try to remember to bring it to Antioch show for you to see.