Sold out show with 105 tables and 9 new dealers.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Grandpa's Medicine
now and then I "stray to the dark side", as friend Rick puts it. Today
I'm taking a break from the normal fare of bourbon and rye and am
instead delving into the history of an interesting druggist bottle.
Grampa's Medicine
Years ago a digging partner had some, shall we say, "unusual" drinking habits. Most of my pals
and I are what could be termed maintenance drinkers. You know, a few beers every
night along with a glass of wine or two at supper.
This friend, on the other hand, would go for a
couple of days and never touch a drop. And then he'd climb up on the diving
board and take the plunge.
He didn't care for hard liquor either. Wine and beer were
his refreshments of choice. He called it "Grandpas medicine".
Many years ago, when my wife's folks were in their 80's, they decided to move into a retirement complex here in J'ville. Although originally from
the south S. F. Bay Area, they'd lived in Mt. Shasta
since Dicks retirement, several years prior. Their home in San Jose was a modest single story tract
home. It had a two car garage, without room inside for even one. When they relocated to No. Cal., they brought everything
(and I mean everything) with them. In the ensuing years, they continued to
The place in Mt. Shasta had a 3,000 square foot two story home, a two car garage, a 1,000 square foot shop, two large outbuildings and a horse trailer. All packed to the rafters with... "stuff".
The place in Mt. Shasta had a 3,000 square foot two story home, a two car garage, a 1,000 square foot shop, two large outbuildings and a horse trailer. All packed to the rafters with... "stuff".
Since the move to the retirement center, we'd been tasked
with the job of sorting through 65 years worth of; you name it~. Sadly, most of
the "stuff" was fodder for the dumpster. There were a
couple of exceptions though (thank God). We found a few boxes full of fairly
early beer openers, many from S. F. We also dug out an album stuffed full of
pre 1900 San Francisco
business and trade cards. Neat "stuff"!

One afternoon, while pawing through cases of empty "no - deposit / no - return" 1970's Pepsi bottles and pull tab Schlitz beer cans, I stumbled across an amber tooled quart blob beer. At first glance I thought it was a John Rapp or something equally unexciting. Instead, it turned out to be embossed "Franks Bros. / San Francisco". Turns out, it was a half way decent bottle.
A little while later, while tossing bundles of ten year old newspapers in the
recycling, a small pharmacy bottle rolled out of the stack. My seven year old (at the time) grand
daughter, Ali, made a diving save just before it hit the pavement. As she held
up the prize, I said "neat medicine". Ali joked, "look, it's
Grampa's medicine". She then commented about the color; a rich sun colored
amethyst. (I recall my first bottle find - it too was purple).
This bottle was embossed. A mortar and pestle on one side with "Pure Drugs" embossed on it. To the right was embossed "Dr. A. A. Gilmour / San Francisco / 500 G. G. Ave.".

I said "let's see what we can find out about this Dr. Gilmour" as I fired up the laptop. I explained to her that I might be able
to find out who he was through the use of old city directories and newspaper
articles. My inclination, based on the look of the bottle was to start in 1900,
and then work both backwards and forwards. This would tell us how long he was
in business and maybe a little more about him. She seemed genuinely interested.
A budding young collector in the making?
Hmm... nothing in 1900. 1895? Bingo; but the address was
Here's a chronology of his appearance in the San Francisco / Crocker
directories, starting in 1889.
500 Golden Gate Ave. matched the bottles embossing.
Looks like Angus Jr. (Angus D.) decided to join the family business in 1892, right after the big move over to McAllister.
little more digging was rewarded with a brief history of his career
through the year 1892. It rounds out a lot of the questions about his
earlier years.
"The Bay of San
Francisco," Vol.
1, page 491-492, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.
A. Gilmour, M.D.
Angus A. Gilmour, M.D., proprietor of Gilmour's
Golden Gate Pharmacy, at No. 410 McAllister street, San Francisco, has been a
resident of California since 1868, and has been engaged in the practice of
medicine for the past eighteen years. He was born in Three Rivers, Province of Quebec, Canada, in 1848, and received his
early education in the public school of that place.
At the age of twelve years he was sent to Nicolet College, where he remained for five
years. He then entered the medical department of McGill
University, Montreal, Canada,
where he graduated in 1868, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine and
Surgery. He at once engaged in the practice of his profession, and was
appointed surgeon of the Canada Active Militia, and in 1872, to the medical
charge of the Shefford Field Battery or Artillery, Col. T. Amyreault
commanding. After ten years he retired from active service, with the rank of
Surgeon-Major. Meanwhile Dr. Gilmour had been engaged in private practice at Montreal and later at Waterloo,
Province of Quebec, where his battery was stationed.
He came to California in 1878, on a leave of absence,
and remained six months. He returned to Canada,
leaving his wife, whose health required a milder climate, and after nine months
spent in Canada he again
came to California,
where he has since remained, and engaged in the practice of medicine. The first
ten years were spent in Modesto,
Stanislaus county, where he practiced medicine ten years and owned a drug-store
for five years.
In 1888 he sold out, and came to San Francisco, where he
purchased a drug-store, which he now owns, in addition to his medical practice.
Considering the time he has been in San
Francisco he has done well. He is a member of several
Scotch societies. He has been fortunate enough to receive the appointment of
surgeon of Clan Fraser, numbering nearly 200 and growing very fast. The order
was instituted in 1890 by Hugh Fraser and Rev. Mr. Easton, of Calvary church:
John Elder as chief; Maxwell L. Crowe as Tanist; L. Drerer as treasurer; Wm.
McCormack, secretary, F. L. Gilchrist as financial treasurer (some of the best
Scotch blood in San Francisco). The Doctor is also medical examiner for the
order of Knights of Honor, and physician of the Thistle Club, making some 500
or 600.
His parents were Dr. W.
A. R. Gilmour, born in Glasgow,
Scotland, and
Helen Cresse, the latter the youngest daughter of Seigneur Cresse, of Nicolet.
Her ancestors were born in France,
and were prominent among the early French settlers in that part of Canada,
Seigneur Cresse being the representative of the French government until the
British occupation.
His father graduated in
medicine and surgery at the University
of Glasgow, Scotland, and obtained the degree
of F. R. H. S., Glasgow. Emigrating to Canada,
he became a prominent physician at Three Rivers,
Quebec, and was one of the medical examiners
for the Province
of Quebec. He is now
eighty-three years old and still practicing in Waterloo,
Province of Quebec.
Dr. Gilmour's eldest
brother, Colonel A. H. Gilmour, is the colonel of the Sixtieth Regiment of
Active Canadian Militia, and private banker at Stanbridge East, Quebec, Canada;
another brother, James Gilmour, is a wholesale dry-goods merchant in Montreal,
of the firm of Lindsey, Gilmour & Co.; two other brothers, George and
Alfred, are prosperous merchants in Canada; George and Alfred are in Waterloo.
Dr. Gilmour's wife was a daughter of Duke Roberts, a capitalist of Waterloo, Canada. They
have one boy, Angus Gilmour, who is now attending school in San Francisco.
Back to the directories;
1893 (phone directory)
Another move, this time to 404 Golden Gate Ave, just down the block from the old place at 500 G.G.
Angus Jr. is still at it.
Oops, looks like Angus Jr. decided that the family business wasn't to his liking after all.
Angus Jr., back at the store again.
Or maybe not... And now a quick hop, skip and a jump to 408 Van Ness. Ave.
Looks like Jr. finally decided that being a machinest was "the ticket" after all.
And yet another move. This time to 1236 Market.
And yet another move. This time to 1236 Market.
"ol doc" hit a bump in the road this year. Seems that his wife headed
for greener pastures as this article from the San Francisco Call will
attest to.
Once again, a move. This time back to McAllister.
The year 1899 was obviously the capstone of Dr. Angus A. Gilmour's career. He was now a well respected surgeon, catering his skills to the elite gentil of San Francisco. Unfortunately, the year of 1899 was also his last.
The year 1899 was obviously the capstone of Dr. Angus A. Gilmour's career. He was now a well respected surgeon, catering his skills to the elite gentil of San Francisco. Unfortunately, the year of 1899 was also his last.
that I had all the pieces of the puzzle neatly in place, I pulled Ali
aside and asked what she could deduce from what we'd found. She's a
smart cookie. "Well Grampa", she said, "He moved a lot!". "And the
address on the bottle only matches the address in the books for three
years, 1889, 1890 and 1891. That means that the bottle must be pretty
rare. And it's pretty too."
With that, I handed her the bottle. And Grampa's medicine, became Ali's medicine. Her first antique bottle.
(Here's hoping that the fire stays lit~)
Monday, November 12, 2018
Help support fellow bottle collectors Clint and Kathy Powell who lost their home and belongings in the tragic Camp Fire in Paradise, CA.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Sacramento Brewery
From Charles Festersen
Hello Rick - I acquired this sign a while back and was intrigued by the fact that it stated the Sacramento Brewery was established in 1853 and I had not heard of it before or was aware of any bottles from them. I did a quick search of the CDNC newspaper archive and came up with this information. Would you please post this on your site. I would like to ask our fellow collectors to add any additional information they may have in regards to this brewery.
Sacramento Daily Union
Vol. 43, Number 6616 15th June 1872
"In 1849 a German named Peter Kadeli established the Sacramento Brewery, and in 1850 he commenced brewing. In 1853 it was rented by Philip Scheld, who purchased it in 1854".
Further the same article stated...
"As stated above, Philip Scheld in 1854 bought the Sacramento Brewery, established in 1849 and which was a wooden building. In 1860 he moved the old brewery to the rear and then put up at the northeast corner of "M" and Twenty Eights streets the present brick structure, which has two stories, and is in size 61 x 42 feet. Scheld remained sole proprietor of the same until 1869 when; being about to revisit Europe, and desiring to leave a suitable person in charge of his business while away, he sold half interest to John Oschwald, and they still remain joint partners".
Sacramento Daily Union
Vol. 83, Number 6, 27th Feb. 1892
Investigated for "irregularities in the matter of complying with revenue laws". "Possible that it will be seized".
Los Angeles Herald
Vol. 37, Number 115 13th Feb. 1892
"Siezed by order of Colonel Byington, revenue collector for this district, for violation of internal revenue laws"
Very interesting information Charles. H.W. "Colonel Byington was also an interesting fellow, mayor of Santa Rosa among other things...Thanks Charles - rs -
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