Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Sole Agent Jesse Moore will be the whiskey used in the shoot out.It got the most votes . The U.S.A. Hosp. Dept. quart any mold variant will be the non bitters contestant that will bring out some from the East coast collectors . The bitters still is up in the air a lot of folks suggested Hostetter's .God knows there are lots of those out there . Any other thoughts on the Bitters ? Remeber it should include Eastern Collectors . The Northwest Bottle Club (Santa Rosa ) would bring the gazebo display that was at Reno . At Reno it was hard to keep it full because a lot of folks didn't want to put their prized bottle in it . So how about putting in it unembossed bottles ? Can be any size , shape or color. .All collectors have their favorite window bottles .It would make for a good display and promote bottle in general


  1. Perhaps the bitters category could be Lacour's...they are western yet appeal to bitters collectors nationwide. Most bitters collections have a Lacour's in them...east or west.

  2. J. Moore shootout. I wholeheartedly agree.

    I was given the opportunity yesterday, to do a hands on viewing of what will no doubt be the lone gunslinger standing when the smoke clears. It is the quintessential Jess!

    Wished it were in my collection!

  3. What!,that said KG and no picture...
