Thursday, October 10, 2013

Royal Palm Gin


  1. Interesting, it seems that Epstein kept selling the product until at least 1875. What age are we putting on this bottle, 1868-1870 ?

  2. This is a fantastic bottle! I understand it also comes in dark amber, aqua and GREEN??? Another Henley's related product which must have also been a poor the OK Spiced Wine Bitters, Eye Opener, Dew of the Alps, Regulator, and Indian Queen Hair Restorative. Come to think of it, were it not for the IXL, which was really the only "home run" in the vast product line between Wm. Henley, and Louis Gross, one could look at some serious dysfunction in either timing, or sales skills. Dale M.

  3. Andrew, Stephen H. could likely tell you a specific date range for this bottle, but I believe it is after 1870. I cannot recall what he said regarding when this bottle was produced. I was drooling all over it and missed that part.

  4. And while we're talking about missed opportunities, let's not forget the one and only Dr. Henley's Tamarack. It was "worth it's weight in gold".
