Friday, August 17, 2012

Reno Expo Acquisitions

Here are three western medicines I was lucky enough to find at this year's Reno Expo.

Thanks to the FOHBC, the Reno Bottle Club, Marty Hall and the Siri family for going the extra mile to put on one of the best bottle shows that I have ever attended here in the west. Hope to see all of you here in Downieville on September 7th and 8th for the annual Downieville Bottle Show and 
From left to right: Hierapicra Bitters Extract of Figs California Botanical Society California (with curved R's)
Dr.Warrens Botanic Cough Balsam S.F. Cal
Hall's Sarsaparilla Shepardson & Gates Proprietors S.F.

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