This investigation began with a simple desire to attempt to
determine the manufacturing date of the soda bottle embossed, G. P. MORRILL. It
is clearly understood to be the product of druggist, George P. Morrill, while
conducting his business in Virginia
City, Nevada. My
research then expanded into attempting to follow the history of Morrill in California, and to
understand his relationship with several of his brothers, who were also in the
drug trade. A simple project suddenly got complicated. What a story the Morrill
brothers weaved, but I dared not tackle the entire bunch for I would never
finish with my intended goal.
I did find it necessary to touch upon the lives of the other
brothers because they were so intertwined with George Morrill. As always, one
of my underlying goals is to document my findings as well as possible, so if
anyone else is interested - or obsessed as I -
in looking into Morrill’s life, my data could be retraced. Another
element of this story is the use of visual examples of some of the uncovered
newspaper documents to actually take a leading role in telling the story.
Reading the actual news articles then become items of discovery for the viewer.
This method, laid out in timeline fashion, can be a little confusing; however,
I believe it can be appreciated by many. The article ended up being much longer
than expected, but anyone interested in the Morrill soda bottle should find the
history of the man just as intriguing as well.
The heavy use of historical newspaper research is rather new
to many historians. It does not replace traditional researching but adds to it
tremendously. I often expound on the amazing ability to ‘word search’ many
newspapers with just a click of the computer button – something I never thought
I would see in my lifetime. The technology is actually in its infancy and has a
long way to go, but is already something of a miracle. I have discovered
information that could, otherwise, not be found in my lifetime.
The G.P. MORRILL soda
bottle is a favorite collector’s item from the glory days of Virginia City, Nevada.
The date of the bottle would mean that the bottle manufacturing order was
placed with the Pacific Glass Works of San Francisco, or the newly re-opened San
Francisco Glass Works. From
the following information it becomes clear that the G.P. Morrill soda
bottles were blown about June 1871. If additional orders were placed they were
most certainly made prior to September 1872.
This article focuses on the soda water bottle of G.P.
Morrill, who spent most of his adult life as a druggist in California
and Nevada.
He came from a very interesting family of siblings that who also deserve a good
story, but my objective here is to focus on George Peverly Morrill, and to pin
down the date of his somewhat scarce soda water bottle. Born on July 6, 1828,
in Chichester, New
Hampshire, he arrived in California
aboard the ship New
Jersey, which sailed from Boston on May 1,1849. He first worked the
gold fields in Coloma, the site of the first discovery of gold. (New
York Daily Herald, May 11, 1849) After investing the usual hard work in
‘digging’ for gold, he opened an apothecary shop in the early mining town of Diamond Springs in 1853. He
also opened another store the same year with his brother, Augustus Morrill, in
Volcano, California.
Based on early advertisements the brothers seemed to have had a ‘back and forth
arrangement’ between partnership and sole proprietorship of the two stores.

Advertisements for the Volcano store nearly always listed both partners
as proprietors, even though George P. Morrill lived in Diamond Springs. This ad
announces the opening of a new store which, incidentally, was brick
construction, a more secure structure from the previous wood frame building. (Volcano weekly ledger. Volcano, Amador County, Cal., December 01, 1855)
The Diamond Springs store was burned out in 1856 but George
Morrill rebuilt and continued in the same location. Augustus Morrill operated
the Volcano store until the later 1850’s when it was then advertised for sale.
The partners sold the Volcano store in March 1857, and continued the Diamond
Springs store for a few years.
One of the few advertisements noting a partnership interest of the two
Morrill brothers in the Diamond Springs drug store. (The Granite Journal, Granite, California, March 2, 1856)
The Volcano drug store of George and Augustus Morrill was put up for
sale in November 1856 and sold in March 1857 to Dr. Charles W. Shoeneman. (Volcano Weekly Ledger. Volcano, Amador County,
California, November 15, 1856)
The business life of Diamond Springs had begun slowing down
and there was no interest in his drug store, and the nearby town of Placerville had begun to
outshine Diamond Springs.
George P. Morrill advertised his interest in selling his drug store in
Diamond Springs in 1858. His brother, Augustus, had apparently dissolved his
interest in the store and went to work for their brother, Charles Morrill, in Sacramento, probably managing
his coal oil business which had grown considerably. Charles was harvesting oil on
the beaches near Santa Barbara as well as oil fields in Colima, Mexico.
George P. Morrill left
his store in Diamond Springs and set up shop in Placerville, early in 1860. His first
advertisement noted in Placerville
was April 1860. (Mountain Democrat, 28 April 1860).
In 1860 Augustus Morrill left California
to manage the coal oil factory of his brother, Charles Morrill, in Colima, Mexico,
arriving there on December 19, 1860. Charles Morrill was likely the most active
of all the brothers, and almost always was involved in some sort of law suit.
Perhaps the most unusual located was a suit he brought against Samuel Brannan
and two others, claiming a violent assault and battery upon him while on board
the steamer Sonora on September 10, 1858. (Sacramento Bee, December 30, 1858).
Charles operated two drug stores, one in San Francisco
and one in Sacramento,
as well as his coal oil business in Colima. Based upon newspaper records, it
does appear that Charles Morrill was either highly unlucky in his personal and
business life, or he was extremely litigious.
Oscar F. Morrill is the most mysterious of the three
‘brothers’. In fact, there is no documented record of him actually being a
sibling of the other two brothers. He styled himself as an inventor, and
resided near Boston, Massachusetts. Oscar died in Chelsea, Massachusetts,
on January 9, 1875. He actually did hold several U.S. Patents, primarily for
improvements in oil burners.
When Charles Morrill retired in 1862, three brothers, Oscar
F. Morrill, Augustus Morrill, and George P. Morrill, formed a partnership in
purchasing the business interests of their brother, Charles Morrill. George P.
Morrill also integrated his own assets of the Placerville store into the partnership. By
the end of 1863 the partnership began to unravel, as the newspapers documented
a number of lawsuits between the brothers.
Shortly thereafter George Morrill moved to Virginia
City where he set up his drug store in his own name. Augustus
Morrill remained in Mexico
and continued with the coal oil business, eventually becoming an American
Consular to Mexico.
In a kidnapping plot gone awry, Augustus was killed by an outlaw gang on
February 23, 1920.
An advertisement
documenting a merger of three Morrill brothers, which included absorbing the
businesses of their brother, Charles Morrill. (Sacramento Daily Union, February
12, 1862)
George P. Morrill’s drug store in Placerville also fell under the
umbrella of the Morrill brother’s holdings, as this advertisement attests. ( Mountain Democrat, July 4, 1862)
The first of the Morrill brother’s store to be liquidated was in San Francisco. (Daily Alta California, November 11,
Exactly where George Morrill went after he left Placerville is somewhat
conjectural. It is likely that he may have tried mining for awhile prior to
returning to the druggist trade in Virginia
City, Nevada, in
1864. His son, John Morrill, was born December 13, 1863, at a location
described as near Verdi, Nevada,
but in California.
It is very likely he was born near the ghost town of Crystal Peak,
or in that vicinity. Of course, Verdi,
Nevada, didn’t exist until about
1868, which was established as a railroad stop on the transcontinental line.
There is some evidence that Morrill homesteaded property in this area, or at
least within the Truckee Meadow area, which was confirmed just prior to his
death in 1891, (MDM, Twp 19N, Range 17E, N1/2, SE ¼, Section 12)
Morrill’s attention also focused on the successful mining
interests of the Virginia City area, investing
in stock of the Palmyra Consolidated Gold & Silver Mining Company. He had
opened his drug store at 16 South C
Street in Virginia City
by 1864. In October 1865 he suffered his first fire which destroyed most of his
stock. The loss was covered by insurance.
By July 1866 Morrill installed a soda fountain in his drug
store. Given the parched Nevada
climate this must have been a big supplement to his income. The same year he
became involved in local politics and ran for County
Commissioner of Storey County, Nevada,
and won.
Morrill’s first advertisement where he presented the public with the
sale of soda water. (Gold Hill Daily News,
July 14, 1866)
Two days after his previous advertisement another informational type ad
was printed in the same paper describing the availability of his “splendid soda
fountain”. (Gold Hill Daily News,
July 16, 1866)
In 1869 Morrill purchased one of William Gee’s soda
generators for his drug store and ordered the necessary components for serving
soda water in his shop. By September 1869, all the equipment was in place and he
began advertising soda water by a much more efficient method than previously.
Morrill also intimated that he was prepared to bottle soda
water for family use, but it was not yet for sale. By October 1869, Morrill
advertised his bottled soda water, however, it was sold in “a peculiar style of
stout glass bottle, holding about a quart”. This is an obvious description of a
siphon bottle.
In a first step toward bottling his soda water, Morrill described the
use of Wm. Gee’s special attachment to his soda water machine that allows for
the filling, and refilling, of siphon bottles. (Gold Hill Daily News, October 9,1869)
Along with Gee’s soda
fountain, for an additional $30 Morrill purchased this new attachment for
filling siphon bottles, patented in January 1868. The siphon bottles cost
Morrill $15 per dozen. He was still not
prepared to sell his soda water in the typical half pint bottles.
An 1871 ad notes that he was nearly ready to sell bottled
soda water, but it appears that it was still not for sale.
Finally, Morrill’s bottled soda water was very close to being sold to
the public. The only caveat was his statement that some of the facilities for
making it were "on hand and arriving". It is possible that everything was
in place except for the bottles.
Another notice in the
same newspaper appears to secure the reality that regular bottling for the
general public would be occurring within days. It is fairly safe to assume that
the bottles had been blown and were on their way via railroad from San Francisco. Therefore, the earliest noted reference to
Morrill actually bottling soda water occurred in July 1871, when he practiced a
popular custom of delivering some gratis
soda water to local newspaper staff – always a sure way to get some free
advertising. (Gold Hill Daily News, 6 July 1871)
Morrill’s business seemed to be on track at a time when Virginia City was at its peak. As fate would have it, he
suffered a crippling fire a few months later in 1871. While it is not known if
he was insured, he was at least able to recover.
Following the accounts of anyone, via newspaper, is normally a sketchy
affair. The entire story is often hidden, which may be the case with Morrill.
Financial stability is an important element in the life of any entrepreneur, but
if he was overextended it had not become obvious in the newspaper record.
From this day forward, it is safe to say that Morrill was in
the business of selling soda water in bottles. The following advertisement,
regularly occurring in local newspapers, attests to that, with one caveat.
Morrill’s advertisement plainly notes he was manufacturing soda and
sarsaparilla, however, what does he mean where the ad states, “cleanly put up
in bottles for Bars and Saloons”? Was he not selling his bottles to the public?
Perhaps he was referring to his seltzer
bottles, or maybe the half-pint bottles were sold only through saloons. If this was the case, then Morrill would not have to deal with the labor intensive process of retrieving his bottles - leaving that task to the saloon owners. This statement remains unclear. (Gold
Hill Daily News, July 6, 1872)
Soda water and ice seems to be a natural complement, and
Morrill’s industrious nature motivated him to develop a side business he called
The Gold Hill Ice Company. It is clear that Morrill had some sort of property
interest in the region of Truckee, where ice
could be easily harvested and perhaps stored on the property. When needed it could
be loaded on the train at Truckee, or by wagon, and delivered to Virginia City in quantities that would be easy to handle.
Morrill’s ice business began very shortly prior to this advertisement.
(Gold Hill Daily News, September 14,
The ongoing question of whether George P. Morrill was
selling his soda water bottles via the general public or whether he was selling
them to bars and saloons, who then had the responsibility of collecting the
returns, is an interesting one that may never be answered, for all his
newspaper articles, and advertising, came to a halt in September of 1872.
Not long afterward an ominous notification was inserted in
the newspaper that clarified the reason and also spelled the end of his
business in Virginia City.
George P. Morrill’s drug, soda water and ice business came to an end in
September 1872. (Gold Hill Daily News,
December 31, 1872) He virtually disappeared in the newspaper record until his
death in 1891. It is clear that he left town and most likely retreated to his
property near what is now Verdi,
After leaving Virginia City, Morrill’s residence appears to
be rather vague but still within the area of extreme eastern California
from Loyalton in the north to Truckee in the
south. In 1875 he was scheduled as a laborer at Crystal
Peak, in 1880 as a druggist in
Truckee, and in 1884 the village
of Oneida with no
occupation. Most of his children had settled in Truckee.
Perhaps of most significance, at least for this article, is that he never again
engaged in the bottling and sale of soda water. If he did work in Truckee as a druggist, Morrill probably worked in a store
for someone else. There is no mention of him in the Truckee
(Sacramento Daily Union, July 20, 1891)
George P. Morrill’s final resting place is in the Morrill plot of the
Truckee Cemetery, along with a number of his family members.
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